Chiropractic and Ankle Instability
If you have ever twisted your ankle, you might still have a weakness even though you have recovered from the pain. It is important to understand how your old injury could be causing problems in the future.
The most common injury to the ankle is turning it in, such as when playing sports, walking on uneven ground, or wearing high heels and turning it over by stepping on a stone or the edge of a curb. This is the most common type of ankle sprain. Occasionally, the end of the bone on the outside of the ankle breaks, but more often, the ligaments of the ankle on the outside and front get torn, producing massive swelling and bruising.
It can take 4 to 6 weeks to recover from the immediate injury, but the ligaments very rarely repair satisfactorily and often become full of scar tissue, which is not elastic. This increases the likelihood of rolling over again and experiencing several further sprains. Such repeated traumas can influence the mechanics of the ankle and cause problems in the joint and the structures above, such as the knee and spine.
These issues usually become apparent after jogging or long walks, especially on uneven ground. However, as the symptoms may be in a distant joint, you might not necessarily think of that old ankle injury as the origin of the problem. Chiropractic treatment can help prevent chronic and recurrent issues. Your chiropractor will, through careful case history and examination, be able to discover the cause and remedy it accordingly.